Schlabach lies

By John Labriola - At a candidate forum this week, Commissioner Ruthie Schlabach falsely accused me of making fun of her for having gotten breast cancer, claiming that I said: "Women who get breast cancer probably deserve it."

That's a bald-faced lie. 

The actual quote came from an interview on Sabrina Watson's podcast in August 2022, long before Schlabach announced she had breast cancer in June 2023. 

The quote dealt with the Citrus County Chronicle's annual Diva Night "breast cancer benefit," which featured male drag queens as the main attraction until it was canceled in 2022. 

Watson apparently removed the quote from the video but claims that I said of these male drag queens: "If they're getting breast cancer, it's probably their own fault for pumping their chests full of silicone, which doesn't belong in a body at all." 
Shame on Schlabach for making a false and slanderous accusation at a candidate forum about someone she doesn't like. 

The Citrus Crusader called Schlabach for comment, but she did not respond. 

Vote for Schlabach's opponent Janet Barek, a pro-life conservative opposed to the LGBT agenda. You can donate to Barek HERE.


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