Save the Real Crusader

By John Labriola - As you may have heard, a local liberal Democrat activist has stolen the Citrus Crusader domain name in order to enrich herself and sabotage our mission to take Citrus County back from the liberal elites.

Last week, the Citrus County Chronicle gave free front-page publicity to this woman's new website, which illicitly uses the Citrus Crusader name to sell T-shirts attacking me and promoting the LGBT agenda, abortion, and the Biden campaign – the opposite of everything we stand for. 

Besides fraudulently cashing in on the Citrus Crusader name, this woman's mission is to steer Internet traffic away from the real Citrus Crusader blog, which I launched over two years ago to keep Citrus County conservative residents informed and mobilized in the fight to preserve our county's small-town conservative Christian character. 

This latest attack is no surprise. The liberal powers that be who are now backing this woman have been taking shots at the Citrus Crusader from the beginning and are determined to take us down. They're furious that we've been so effective on so many fronts, including stopping local taxpayer-funded LGBT propaganda displays in our libraries, ending the county's membership in the Marxist-run American Library Association, giving a voice to opponents of high-density residential development and illegal immigration in our community, and exposing and defeating RINO candidates for local office. 

We can't let them win now after all we've accomplished together. 

I've spoken to an attorney who believes we have a very strong case against this woman and stand a good chance of convincing a judge or arbitrator to force her to stop fraudulently using our brand and domain name. He believes her own words to the Chronicle confirming her malicious intent provide the best evidence against her. 

But it's going to cost money to take back our domain name.  

That's why I've started a GiveSendGo fundraising page at, and I'm asking folks to visit the page and donate whatever they can so I can continue to be your conservative news source on faith and politics in Citrus County.  

Please help me fight back by making a donation today

Visit my fundraising page HERE

Thank you!


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